Trademark and Logo Guidelines

Guideline on the Use of Trademark ZAM and Logo

Introduction and Permission of use

NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION is the owner of trademark ZAM. Customers are requested for permission use of trademark ZAM and ZAM Logo with NIPPON STEEL’s prior consent in writing (please use CONTACT US of this website). Customers are also required to follow the instructions given in this guideline when using this trademark for their product catalogs, websites, product packages, and other media.
If any of these trademarks is handled without observing the instructions in this guideline, there may arise problems such as receiving a claim of trademark infringement from a third party. We shall have no liability for any such situation.
If you have any questions concerning the content of this guideline or the way of presenting these trademarks, please feel free to contact the sales representative of our company.

Methods of presentation

Presentation in a sentence

Example: “We present a proposal to adopt ZAM*, a highly corrosion-resistant hot-dip coated steel sheet.”

"ZAM" is a trademark and brand of highly corrosion-resistant hot-dip coated steel sheet of NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION.

(Usable only as a title or image picture independent of a sentence)

ZAM™ *

"ZAM" is a trademark and brand of highly corrosion-resistant hot-dip coated steel sheet of NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION.

Instructions and directions for use

  1. When using ZAM in a sentence, express it in its textual form. Its logotype can only be used as a title or image picture independent of the sentence.

    We present a proposal to adopt ZAMa highly corrosion-resistant hot-dip coated steel sheet.

    We present a proposal to adopt ZAM™ a highly corrosion-resistant hot-dip coated steel sheet.

  2. When using ZAM, mark * (asterisk) at the upper right of it and add an explanatory note on the trademark on the same page.
    If it is difficult to put such an explanation on the page used for ZAM due, for example, to design reason, however, when permitted by our company, it may be included only on the page on which it first appeared.
  3. When dealing with a uses of ZAM brand, give such a description of it that anybody can understand that it represents the brand of the product and its manufacturer and seller is NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION.
  4. When using ZAM, do not give such an expression as would lead to a misunderstanding that it is a product of your company. For instance, do not use it in combination with your company’s name, the name of its product, or the like.
    × ZAMcable rack
    cable rack (ZAM used)
    × Company A’s ZAM (Company A ≠ NIPPON STEEL)
  5. When using ZAM in its textual form, write it using the color black and the half-width, upper-case Gothic typeface.
    Do not use ZAM(italic), ZAM(underbar), ZAM(decorative or handwriting), zam or the like. The size of the characters used should be the same as those for the preceding and subsequent sentences.
  6. Do not change the design of any of the logotypes (color, shape, etc.).

    (Shadow added)


    (Frame lines added)

For use of our logotypes

When using any of the logotypes and banners for your company’s catalogs, websites, product packages, and other media, contact the sales representative of our company, and we will give you its image data.

  1. ZAM basic logo: blue type ZAM basic logo: blue type
  2. ZAM basic logo: monochrome type ZAM basic logo: monochrome type
  3. ZAM campaign logo: blue type ZAM campaign logo: blue type
  4. ZAM campaign logo: monochrome type ZAM campaign logo: monochrome type
  5. ZAM campaign logo: long and thin blue type ZAM campaign logo: long and thin blue type
  6. ZAM campaign logo: long and thin monochrome type ZAM campaign logo: long and thin monochrome type
  7. ZAM campaign logo: rectangular blue type ZAM campaign logo: rectangular blue type
  8. ZAM campaign logo: oval blue type ZAM campaign logo: oval blue type
  9. ZAM campaign logo: rectangular orange type ZAM campaign logo: rectangular orange type
  10. ZAM campaign logo: oval orange type ZAM campaign logo: oval orange type
  11. ZAM campaign logo: rectangular monochrome type ZAM campaign logo: rectangular monochrome type
  12. ZAM campaign logo: oval monochrome type ZAM campaign logo: oval monochrome type

The following are link banners for use in linking to our company’s special website. They cannot be used for other purposes. When using any of them as a link banner for linking to our special website, it is unnecessary to add an explanatory note on the registered trademark.

  1. ZAM link banner: blue ZAM link banner: blue
  2. ZAM link banner: orange ZAM link banner: orange

■Link address