Corrosion resistance mechanism of ZAM


Mechanism of corrosion resistance on flat section

Al and Mg in the coating layer of ZAM combine to form a fine, tightly adhered zinc-based protective film on its coating surface as time passes.
This protective film suppresses corrosion of the ZAM coating.

Galvanized coating layer also forms a protective film on the surface. This protective film, however, is not as fine as in ZAM, and less adhesive (see photo at right).
In contrast, the protective film formed on the coating surface of ZAM is excellent in both f inenes s and adhes ion, and consequently it inhibits permeation of cor rosion factors, preserving high corrosion resistance over a long period.



Hot-dip galvanizing

Hot-dip galvanizing

Protective film formed on the coating surface after salt spray test (4 hours)

(Thickness: 0.8 mm, coating weight: 90/90 g/m2, untreated)

Mechanism of corrosion resistance on cut edge

Excellent corrosion resistance is achieved on cut edge parts by covering the ends with a fine zinc-based protective film that contains Al and Mg leaching from the coating layer.

Initial period of exposure
Outdoor exposure for 3 years

(Thickness: 3.2 mm, coating weight: 150/150 g/m2, post-treatment: chromate 50 mg/m2)
Note: The color and the speed of change in color depend on sheet thicknesses and exposure environments (region, installation location, aspect, etc.).

Cross-sectional structure and distribution of elements formed on cut edges
after 18 months of outdoor exposure test

(Thickness: 2.3 mm, coating weight: 130/130 g/m2, post-treatment: chromate 50 mg/m2)

屋外暴露試験18ヶ月後 SEI


屋外暴露試験18ヶ月後 AI


After 18 months of outdoor exposure test Fe


After 18 months of outdoor exposure test CI


After 18 months of outdoor exposure test Zn


After 18 months of outdoor exposure test Mg


After 18 months of outdoor exposure test O


After 18 months of outdoor exposure test S


Reference scale: 10mm